Nervous System

     Chimpanzees and mammals have the most complex nervous system on the

planet besides humans. With the senses the nervous system works to transmit

information to the brain which takes less than one-hundredth of a second.

Their brains are programmed to react to the world quickly in order to protect

themselves from danger and to allow it to analyze the environment easily.


     The nervous system of a mammal, such as the Chimpanzee, is revolved on

the brain and the spinal cord which sends and retrieves signals from the rest of

the body. These signals that come from the body are sent through nerve

endings, also known as receptors, to the brain where neurotransmitters send a

signal to let all mammals feel pain or other sensory information.

     The nervous system is divided into four main sections: the central nervous

system, the peripheral nervous system, the somatic nervous system, and the

autonomic nervous system. Each one of these parts of the nervous system

works in a different way and perform different roles in the body to keep healthy

and allow you to react to the world properly.

Peripheral Nervous System

      The peripheral nervous system is made of only connecting nerves. The

nerves work to connect the spinal cord, where the sensory information is

retrieved to the brain where the information is processed.  The two main

sections of the peripheral nervous system are the somatic and the automatic

nervous systems.

Somatic Nervous System

      The somatic nervous system controls both the muscles and the information

that is processed by the skin and other receptors. Very often, you don't need to

process the information consciously, since your body uses reflexes to respond

to external stimuli that is being sent to your peripheral nervous system.

Autonomic Nervous System

        The autonomic nervous system is separated into two parts. The

sympathetic nervous system and the parasympathetic nervous systems work

together to keep homeostasis in a mammal during stressful times. The

sympathy in the nervous system is responsible for starting the flight or fight

response which prepares the body to be able to deal with dangerous



      In the nervous system the basic parts are the sensory receptors, the brain

and the spinal cord.  All mammals have nerve endings that are spread over the

body so that they can receive and send signals to external stimuli.  The sensory

organs like the skin and eyes, help a mammal translate what is happening in the

 external environment and in case of a dangerous situation, it has reflexes to

help the mammal avoid harm.  The nervous system is also responsible for

maintaining homeostasis, or a functioning and stable state for all the organs in

the body. All mammals use part of their central nervous system to maintain

their heartbeat, breathing, and other bodily functions. The medulla oblongata

is the part of the brain that regulates most of these types of activities, including

reflex actions like sneezing. The nervous system works to help mammals avoid

dangerous situations by letting you feel pain, and hear and see dangerous

situations in the environment. When a mammal experiences spinal cord

damage, the path that is between the brain and the rest of the body is blocked

or interrupted.  This can cause paralysis or even death to the mammal because

it is so vital to the functioning of the body.